Registered Acupuncture
​30min $70
45min $90
60min $110
75min $130
90min $150​
Specializing in Saam Five Element Acupuncture, which surpasses the boundaries of conventional acupuncture. This method customizes treatments to your unique constitution, addressing not only
musculoskeletal pain but also internal and emotional issues such as insomnia, headaches, indigestion, allergies, infertility & gynecological concerns, forgetfulness, stress, anxiety, and depression. KSNS acupressure therapy may be included.​
It is recommended for your first treatment that you book a 60min appointment or more.
Cosmetic Acupuncture - Facial Rejuvination
60min $120
75min $140
90min $160​
This session combines facial and regular acupuncture, facial massage, and KSNS acupressure to naturally enhance your appearance by reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Fine or specialized needles stimulate collagen production and improve Qi flow. Collagen masks or herbal packs may be included. Beyond Beauty - True Beauty from the Inside Out: As a positive side effect, acne, sinus issues, headaches, allergies, unbalanced eyes, and trigeminal neuralgia can also be addressed.
Massage & Acupuncture combo
45min $90
60min $110
75min $130
90min $150
This session integrates Acupuncture, KSNS Acupressure massage, and Registered Massage Therapy.
*This combined session can be billed under your massage or acupuncture benefits upon request, HST applicable
Simon began his health career with a Bachelor's degree in Food Science from the National University of Chungnam in Korea. He learned Saam Five Element Acupuncture under Dr. Kim, Hongkyung at Saam Acupuncture Institute and completed a four-year diploma at the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Simon has been teaching advanced Saam Acupuncture for over 13 years, honoring Dr. Kim’s legacy. Simon also apprenticed in Germany under Professor Saeyion Kim, founder of KSNS (Kim’s Safety Nerve System) therapy which uses focused acupressure techniques to help the body heal itself. He is credited as the first practitioner to bring KSNS therapy to North America, successfully treating challenging conditions by combining Acupuncture, RMT, KSNS Acupressure therapy, cupping, and guasha. His approach is tailored based on consultation and patient preferences. With over 20 years of experience, Simon specializes in treating conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, depression, digestive issues, skin disorders, headaches, allergies, asthma, infertility, gynecological disorders, and sexual issues.
Simon Yoon R.Ac, R.TCMP, RMT, KSNS acupressure therapist, Acupuncture instructor